Committees & Appointees
Guiding AREA
The Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA) has established several committees focused on addressing specific industry concerns and issues. These committees meet regularly throughout the year to provide valuable recommendations to the Board of Directors, ensuring that the needs and concerns of our members are effectively addressed. Additionally, we may form new committees or task forces as the need arises to stay responsive to our members' evolving priorities.
Board Committees
AREA’s Governance and Board Development Committee plays a vital role in supporting the Board of Directors in maintaining strong governance practices. This committee leads efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of the Board, its committees, and individual Directors. Additionally, it assists the Board in meeting its responsibilities regarding CEO goals and objectives, performance evaluation, compensation, and succession planning.
Appointed Members:
Chair: Stan Mills
Jolene Ledene Reimer, Chair (auto)
Chris Hassall, Chair-Elect (auto)
Parm Sidhu
AREA’s Finance and Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors in overseeing financial planning, the audit process, financial reporting, corporate controls, and risk management. This committee helps ensure that our financial practices align with our commitments and responsibilities, fostering transparency and accountability within the organization.
- Review financial report
- Review operational and capital budgets
- Review CEO and Board members’ annual expenses
- Review internal controls and statutory/regulatory compliance
- Review risk review report (including insurance coverage)
- Review External Auditor’s engagement process and confirm fees for upcoming year
- Meet with External Auditor to review pre-audit findings
2024 Chair: Chris Hassall (AREA Chair-Elect, Director at Large)
Appointed Members:
Chair: Chris Hassall, Chair-Elect (auto)
Jolene Ledene Reimer (auto)
Margaret Carroll
Operational Committees
The AREA Political Action Committee plays a vital role in guiding and supporting our Government Relations and Advocacy efforts. This committee serves as a key platform for AREA members and boards to unite and voice their perspectives on provincial issues and legislation that impact Alberta REALTORS® and real estate consumers.
- Engage in advocacy-related discussions
- Discuss how changes within the Alberta government can impact AREA’s advocacy
- Discuss how changes from the regulator or organized real estate impacts AREA’s advocacy
- Discuss relevant legislative shifts and the impact on AREA’s advocacy
- Advise and assist in development of AREA positions on provincial real estate issues
- Evaluate advancement of AREA advocacy positions
- Advise on PAC process and development of PAC members (e.g. formulation of AREA Government Liaison Days)
- Participate in meetings with government and/or other key stakeholders and GR-related events, as warrants
2024 AREA Political Action Committee
Chair: Selected by Committee
Jolene Ledene Reimer (auto – ex-officio)
Iris Evans
Non-Voting Members
Jolene Ledene Reimer (AREA Chair, Southern Region)
Brad Mitchell (AREA CEO)
Duane Monea (Managing Director)
Sara Schmidtke (Sr. Advisor)
Staff Liaison: Duane Monea
AREA’s Provincial Forms and Practice Committee provides valuable guidance and support to the AREA Member Services group in managing the content related to AREA Forms. This committee ensures that our forms are clear, effective, and aligned with the needs of our members, helping to enhance the professionalism and efficiency of their work.
- Engage in practice discussions
- Discuss how practice issues and themes impact AREA Forms
- Discuss how changes from the Regulator or organized real estate impact AREA standard provincial forms
- Discuss relevant legislative shifts (i.e. Land Titles, Privacy, Anti-spam, Municipal Government, Dower Act etc.) and their impact on AREA Forms
- Discuss case law outcomes and legal community opinions and their impact on AREA Forms
- Discuss province-wide standards of practice for the conduct of the business of real estate in Alberta
Given the critical nature of AREA Forms to the practice of real estate, recommendations arising from the Forms and Practice Committee are approved by the AREA Board of Directors.
Standard Forms Change Process Map
2024 Provincial Forms & Practice Committee
Chair: Tracy Carson
Jolene Ledene Reimer (auto – ex-officio)
Cheryl MacIsaac
Non-Voting Members
Jim Doyle (Legal Counsel)
Stan Galbraith (Legal Counsel)
Lisa Sabo (REIX)
Allison Kimmons (CREB Staff)
Margherita Gosselin (RAE Staff)
Staff Liaison: Tammy Williams, Managing Director
AREA’s Provincial Professional Development Committee plays an essential role in guiding and supporting the AREA Professional Development group in delivering continuing education for our members. This committee ensures that our educational offerings are relevant and valuable, empowering REALTORS® to enhance their skills and knowledge throughout their careers.
- Engage in professional development-related discussion
- Engage in discussions about trends, issues and opportunities that could affect the direction AREA takes on professional development
- Discuss how practice issues and themes impact AREA professional development
- Discuss how changes from the Regulator and/or organized real estate impact AREA professional development
- Discuss relevant legislative shifts and their impact on AREA professional development
- Discuss goal for professional development for REALTORS® in Alberta
- Discuss and review approaches/direction to professional development
2024 Provincial Professional Development Committee
Chair: Cheryl MacIsaac
Jolene Ledene Reimer (auto – ex-officio)
Stan Mills
General Committees
AREA’s Member Advocacy Committee is dedicated to providing members with financial and legal assistance in the aftermath of qualifying disciplinary hearings or legal challenges. This committee is here to support our members during challenging times, ensuring they have access to the resources they need to navigate these situations effectively.
A committee of AREA’s Board of Directors oversees the administration of the program, including the determination of methods and amounts of assistance provided to members. Each member request is evaluated based on four key questions, and meetings are held on an as-needed basis to ensure prompt and effective support.
2024 Member Advocacy Committee
Chair: Margaret Carroll
Jolene Ledene Reimer (auto – ex-officio)
Tracy Carson
Parm Sidhu
Shirley Williams
AREA’s Nominating Committee is tasked with overseeing the application process for the Boards of Directors of AREA and AREA Services Corporation, in line with our Bylaws and policies. Comprising one member from each of the five regions—Northern, Capital, Central, Foothills, and Southern—the Committee carefully reviews all applications, conducts interviews with shortlisted candidates, and presents two recommended slates: one for AREA’s Board of Directors and another for AREA Services Corporation’s Board of Directors. These recommendations are then submitted for consideration and ratification by the Board of Directors.
2024 Nominating Committee Members
Chair: Shirley Williams
Capital Region Representative: Madeline Sarafinchan
Central Region Representative: Patrick Galesloot
Foothills Region Representative: Roger Aresenault
Northern Region Representative: Jadene Spitzer
Southern Region Representative: Kristie Kruger
HR Consultant: Barb Read
Staff Liaison: Kate Bailey
Individuals appointed by AREA who currently serve on the Alberta Real Estate Foundation Board of Governors are responsible for overseeing the Foundation's mission. Their leadership ensures that the Foundation effectively fulfills its goals and supports the real estate community in Alberta.
Learn more
AREA-Appointed Governors
Reuben Tucker
Joanna Barstad