What should I know about real estate deposits?
Real estate transactions have been happening for almost as long as there has been land. ...
What are the benchmarks of professional conduct?
Real estate is a relationship business, not a transaction business. Recognizing that ...
What to consider about homes with separate suites?
It’s sweet to have a suite. Not only as a seller for whom the benefits of rental income ...
How could I add a buyer to a purchase contract?
The sweetest newlyweds have been looking at homes, and although the mortgage lender has ...
In what situation would you use a seller’s condition?
A seller's condition works in the same way as a buyer's condition, such as financing or a ...
What is the difference between a term and a condition in a purchase contract?
REALTORS® spend a lot of time living in a contract world. Even though AREA produces and ...
What are some misconceptions about conditional offers?
Conditional offers, also referred to as conditional sales or pending sales, are beautiful ...
Selling a property in the country, what contracts do I use?
You may be very well accustomed to the documents required when transacting on property in ...
What is a stigmatized property and how should I handle it?
Stigmatized property in real estate has long been a sticky situation as a point of ...
How can I best work with sellers in a low inventory market?
If you listen closely on a quiet night in Alberta during a low inventory market, you can ...