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Fees and Dues

AREA Fees & Dues

Artboard 24-1
Existing Members

$275/yr + GST



  January – December

  Due February 28

Artboard 24-1
New to Industry


(Initiation Fee)


AREA Fees & Dues

  January – December

  Due upon sign up

CREA Fees & Dues

AREA collects CREA dues & fees for the members of the following Boards/Associations: AWRA, CARA, FMREB, GPAAR, LDAR, MHREB, RALD and RASCA. Member of CREB® and RAE pay CREA fees to their local Board/Association. 

Artboard 24-1
Existing Members

Due February 28
$310/yr + GST

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New to Industry

$310/yr + GST+
$200 + GST
(Initial Fee)

$510 + GST

Annual Dues Policy

  1. Membership is per calendar year, January 1 to December 31.
  2. Membership dues must be paid in full by February 28 of current year.
  3. Failure to pay membership dues by February 28 will result in the suspension of member privileges – access to MLS® and Data Coop effective March 1st.
  4. Membership dues are subject to applicable taxes and are non-refundable.
  5. Members who join AREA on or before September 30 must pay the full amount of the AREA annual membership dues of that current year. Members who join AREA on or after October 1 have their AREA and CREA annual membership dues prorated for the balance of the year based on the month joined. [1]

New to Industry Dues Policy

  1. Membership is per calendar year, January 1 to December 31.
  2. Membership dues must be paid in full at time of joining.
  3. Failure to pay membership dues in full - by deadline will result in the suspension of member privileges – access to MLS® and Data Coop.
  4. Membership dues are subject to applicable taxes and are non-refundable.
  5. Members who join AREA on or before September 30 must pay the full amount of the AREA annual membership dues of that current year. Members who join AREA on or after October 1 have their AREA and CREA annual membership dues prorated for the balance of the year based on the month joined. [1]
  6. Initiation fees are not prorated.

[1] Members will be provided their specific dues in their welcome email based on their board and enrollment month.

For assistance with payment please contact AREA at 403-228-6845

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Cost to becoming a REALTOR® in Alberta

Becoming a REALTOR® entails embarking on an entrepreneurial endeavor.